Chenda Duan

UCLA MS. Computer Science 24' | BS. Computer Science 22'


Los Angeles, CA, 90024

Phone: 310-254-5864


About me

Hello! I’m Chenda Duan, a second-year MS student in Computer Science at UCLA, advised by Prof. Bolei Zhou. I will be joining Prof. Vwani Roychowdhury’s group as a Ph.D student starting this fall. Previously, I graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from UCLA as well! (So, 10 years at UCLA…)


Mar 22, 2024 Finally got my Ph.D offer from UCLA ECE! Another 5 years@UCLA🤔
Sep 22, 2023 Two papers accepted by NeurIPS 2023!🎉 One as Spotlight and one as Poster!🙂
Sep 13, 2023 I will be the Associate Instructor for CSM152A for the fall quarter!
Mar 12, 2023 I will be the TA for CS33 next quarter!
Nov 8, 2022 I will continue to be the TA for CS174A for Winter 2023 (and potentially Spring2023)!
Sep 9, 2022 I will be the TA for UCLA-CS174A this FALL🧐
Apr 1, 2022 I finally decide to stay at UCLA for two more years for the MSCS program😊
Mar 19, 2022 Master degree application seasons ends, just like 3 years ago, nothing exciting, only pities😷
Jul 25, 2020 I swithed my major to Computer Science, before it starting declining🥶
Mar 22, 2019 I got admitted to UCLA with physics as my major🥳
Jun 30, 2016 I decided to go to international department of my high school, and give up taking 高考👀
Nov 8, 2000 I was born!:smile:

About my academics.

The field of computer science is vast and ever-evolving. Within this expansive domain, it is hard to constrain yourself into a specific area of interest. I am a firm believer in the power of interdisciplinary research and the importance of a broad skillset.

At UCLA, I’ve been privileged to collaborate with three prominent research teams:

Research Groups:

  • UCLA Prof Vwani Roychowdhury’s Group
  • UCLA Prof Bolei Zhou’S Group
  • UCLA’s Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics.
  • UCLA Structures-Computer Interaction Lab.

For more information about me, connections, or just a friendly chat, all contact and social media details are available below.